Why You Should Sell Your Home to a Cash Investor
If you sell your house the traditional way, the transaction will often favor the buyer seeking lender approval. Why? Because they can benefit from a contingency in the appraisal, giving them the chance to back out if the appraiser thinks their offer is too high. Aside from that, in most cases, they get their earnest money back too. None of this applies to a cash sale, which is generally more advantageous to you, the seller.
If mortgage is involved in the potential sale, for instance, the buyer can just beg off if they don't manage to secure a loan. And then the seller goes back to square one - disastrous if foreclosure or bankruptcy procedures are ongoing. Again, with a cash sale, none of this occurs. You can even close the deal in a week or shorter.
Consider the time value of money, which states that a hundred dollars today is worth more than that tomorrow since we can invest it now and make it grow over time. If you sell your house to someone who needs to borrow money, your asset's value locks in as they go through the process. Should the market property tick up, they have the advantage because they can sell the property for a profit. But if you want to buy a replacement property, things only become more challenging. Know the people who buy ugly houses here!
It is said that only two things in are for sure - death and taxes. Whatever is left can be worked around as best we can. Say you decide to sell your house to invest in a business, and the one who invited you gives you 30 days to produce the money. Unfortunately, the buyer couldn't get his finances together and the sale falls through 5 days short of your 30-day deadline. If you sell your house for cash, this risk will be nonexistent.
In other words, there are worthwhile advantages to selling your house for cash. The process is straightforward, there's no need to wait for some lender's approval, you don't have to spend for repair or renovation - because cash buyers buy properties "as is" - and most importantly, you get your cash quickly, sell my property fast in Raleigh!
Whatever your reason for selling your house - invest in a business, cover a gigantic medical bill, fend off foreclosure or bankruptcy, etc. - selling it for cash is proven to work much better than any other method. For further details regarding real estate, go to http://www.huffingtonpost.com/news/real-estate/.